Solstice Mobile STEM Game Full Tilt Ice Cream Posters

Solstice Mobile STEM Game

Game Design


Doh Tran Dustin McMahon

Solstice is a mobile learning game that teaches STEM basics to 10-14 year old children all while engaging them in an epic, quest-driven adventure. The team's goal was to demonstrate how gamification could enhance learning in STEM subjects.

Full Tilt Ice Cream



Jake Breish

This project explored the brand identity of Full Tilt Ice Cream to refresh their current branding. The team's goal was to simplify while adding a fun, vibrant look and feel to Full Tilt's grunge/punk reputation.



The first poster challenged me to incorporate rhetoric into the design without using type. For poster two, I drew inspiration from propaganda posters to deliver a PSA. Lastly, I researched Alabama Shakes to set the tone for a local show poster.